Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How many flats will Debbie get?

I'm known as the "Queen of flat tires". For some strange reason, I seem to get more than my fair share of flat tires when riding a bicycle. One advantage to this is that I have gotten very good at changing flat tires by myself . Would you care to venture a guess as to how many flats I will get in the course of a cross country ride? You can just hit the "Comment" button and enter your best guess. I'll let you know at the end of the ride who came the closest. Just for your information--I'm predicting at least 10 flats for me.


Shannon said...

Will I get a prize if I get it right? I'm going to guess 23 to correspond with the date of my wedding in August! ;-)

Debbie said...

There might be a small prize! I sure hope you're NOT right--that's a lot of flats to fix!

Anonymous said...

How's it going so far with the flats? Good thing Shannon didn't guess based on the number of years of marital bliss she anticipates! =:O